The Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch is a set of fixes from the mod community that aims to fix every problem not addressed in the official patches.Gamers have reported particular trouble running the game when using a G-Sync display, reportedly because Fallout 4 has an in-game V-Sync & Frame Rate As the name implies, Fallout 4 Script Extender, which can be shortened to F4SE or FOSE, is used to extend the capabilities of Fallout scripts.

The problem im having is I can either go windowed and just have a box on my screen and 2k res or I can go full screen and it boxes itself in the corner.

Directly underneath the “iPresentInterval=0” line, manually type in these commands, entering one per line: bTopMostWindow=0. Bethesda, the man who published the game is famous for releasing buggy games. Full-screen mode: Although most users think that using full-screen mode reduces the load on the computer, the opposite is actually true.Save and close the file to turn off the game's internal v-sync options and get better Fallout 4 performance in full screen mode.Displays FPS, loading t and other information in the on-screen display (OSD).